Sensuous operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and curation.

In Sensuous we share our visions on what we term a Sensuous society. A vision, or rather a sense, that has been haunting us in our sleep for times and times... Sensuous society

Sisters fall – fall Sisters

The Sisters have been traveling this fall. Falling Sisters. Sister Singular. We have been collecting dreams for our Archive. Dream Archive. Dream Collector.

Rijeka, Croatia, PSi #21, September 2014

Sisters Hope traveled to Rijeka, Croatia to represent The North Atlantic Cluster, PSi #19 at the Zooming Fluid States festival. PSi (Performance Performance Studies @ NYU International) will be our collaborators for the Sisters Academy (the school of a Sensuous society), Greenland manifestation by Sisters Hope, June 2015. PSi #19 will happen all over the world troughout 2015.

For more info see here.



Art Copenhagen, September 2014

We were invited to manifest at the largest Scandinavian art fair Art Copenhagen. Meet us as Sisters searching for meaning and the possibility and potential of sensuous, poetic and aesthetic encounters in the white cube.

We were interviewed about our artistic visions in a performative staging all three days by journalist of Arterritory Jacob Stubbe Østergaard. The hours of the interview were:

We called the piece Sisters searching.

Art Copenhagen. Sisters searching. Impressions from The Reporter

Jacob Stubbe Østergaard,

“Hand grabs hand. Skin feels skin. Brain intertwines with brain. Eye sees eye. For one individual in this crowd of art fair guests, the daze has been shattered. A new reality erupts. The Big Bang of the touch of hands.Within seconds, the new universe and all its galaxies and planets is all there is. The Sister draws the chosen one through the smoke and into the red room. The rabbit hole.

For The Sister of Sisters Hope, this is a chance to extract a dream from the subject and add it to her archive. In her cubic universe of smoke and red velvet, suspended in the vacuum of the vast art fair, she is collecting dreams for the future of art.

The subject is dipping his feather pen in the ink and his pool of dreams. He puts it to the paper. Then he picks up the paper and hands it over to The Sister. Then he is let out into the former world.

For three days at Art Copenhagen, Sisters Hope turned spectators into participants. In a world of price tags, they made a bulging profit of dreams. The archive is growing. Time is coming.”


Magasinet Kunst recommends Sisters searching here.
Politiken recommends Sisters searching here.

For more insight go here.
Words turned into flesh, October 2014


In Sisters deep we were invited to intervene with and unfold our universe in the intersection of educational development, research, activism and performance art by the network of history of new literature. We created a sensuous and poetic space to inspire a dialogue on how performance art turns words of poetry and text into image and flesh and we collected dreams for the future of literature in education, as this was truly the burning question of the day, for our ever blossoming Archive (once to be published by our own publishing company The Archive – so we dream…)

We manifested in the dark and gloomy cellar. The underworld of the University. By the drains. The hidden infrastructure – within and without. #sistershope #literaturefestival #universityofcopenhagen #thesister #thegardener #the cousin #thei #theevoker #thehands

The Sister – Gry Worre Hallberg
The Gardener – Bo Eggert Dahl
The Cousin – Julie Johansen
The Evoker – Andreas Dres Sølvhøj
Performance and documentation:
The I – Diana Lindhardt
Set-design: The Hands – Rhoda Ting and Sonja Nordstrøm
Sound-design: The Ear – Ulf Rathjen Kring Hansen
photo: Sisters Academy, staff The I – diana lindhardt.

Kunstnerlaboratorium – Carte Blance (DK) & Aarhus Univeristy, November 2014

Et øjebliksbillede: “Overnatter på teatret Carte Blanche i nat. Den kunstneriske leder Sara Topsøe-Jensen står sammen med Thomas Rosendahl fra Aarhus universitet bag en stor forsknings- og kunstbaseret undersøgelse og udfoldelse af det interaktive scenekunstfelt i DK and beyond. Det er ultra spændende og vi føler os priviligerede over, at være med helt inde i kernen af dette undersøgelsesarbejde. #carteblanche #aarhusuniversitet #interaktivitet #nyscenekunst #mappingafdetteperformancfkunstneriskefelt”

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Sisters seek – InnoCarnival (SE), November 2014

Sisters Seek at the educational conferende InnoCarnival, Sweden.

2015 – 16 genomför den danska performanceduon ”Sisters Hope” och Inkonst ett gemensamt megaprojekt i gränslandet mellan scenkonst, forskning, aktivism och pedagogikutveckling – Sisters Academy Malmö. Allt om ett utbildningssystem som bottnar i de estetiska dimensionerna, genomsyras av poesi och sinnlighet. Projektet är tudelat – först en fiktiv internatskola i form av en fyra veckor lång storskalig och interaktiv föreställning: Sister Academy – the Boarding School. En parallell skolverklighet där du kan skriva in dig som elev, vara gästlärare eller delta i debatter. Sedan till januari/februari 2016 söker de en gymnasieskola som har modet att låta Sisters Hope ta över skolan i två veckor, något som en skola i danska Odense gjorde redan i våras. En manifestation som bl.a. följdes i en artikelserie i danska Politiken (läs mer Sisters Academy kommer att manifesteres i flera nordiska länder de närmaste åren.

Men det börjar redan på InnoCarnival med Sisters seek….

Sisters seek af Sisters Hope (DK)

Sisters Hope grundades 2007 av Gry Worre Hallberg och Anna Lawaetz, som i ett poetiskt performanceuniversum förkroppsligar ”Tvilligsystrarna”, rektorinnorna, utforskana och sökarna efter fred och poesi även utanför konstvärlden.

See more here.
