Sisters Hope Home
From ‘postliminal longing’ to ‘constant belonging’ – plans for our new Sisters Hope Home – A new space from where to democratize the aesthetic and unfold the sensuous and poetic to anyone…
From ‘postliminal longing’ to ‘constant belonging’ – plans for our new Sisters Hope Home – A new space from where to democratize the aesthetic and unfold the sensuous and poetic to anyone…
We have just celebrated a closure of one period, and an opening of something new, yet still slightly unknown. We have placed our year long project, the Dome of Visions, into a state of sleep with a spectacular party over this past weekend. Read more here and here.
We currently work on the large-scale Nordic project Sisters Academy. Sisters Academy is a large-scale Nordic project initiated and performed by our performance-group Sisters Hope (DK). Sisters Academy is equally rooted in performance art, research, pedagogy and activism. Ingrained in the activist ambition of evoking the aesthetic dimension on the stages of everyday life and specifically within the educational system we take over the leadership of a series of upper…