Sensuous operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and curation.

In Sensuous we share our visions on what we term a Sensuous society. A vision, or rather a sense, that has been haunting us in our sleep for times and times... Sensuous society

Sensuous Society

Sisters Academy, Sweden – Sisters Hope & Inkonst receives a large fund from the Swedish foundation Kulturstiftelsen

It is now official! Sisters Academy in Sweden in collaboration with Inkonst will be realized large-scale and fall in two parts thanks to a generous fond from which has just been announced publicly. First part will manifest as a Sisters Academy – The Boarding school of a sensuous society – an immersive, interactive and durational performance-installation at Inkonst in September 2015 where everyone can sign up as students, potentially…

Portrait on the school of a Sensuous society in ARTE (FR/DE)

The French/German TV-channel ARTE is doing a portrait of Sisters Hope and Sisters Academy. We met at the Dome of Visions to talk about our future visions for the arts and educational system. After 5 hours the moved on to talk to teachers and students at the school where the first Sisters Academy manifested – HF & VUC, FYN, FLOW, Odense, DK. Program is now available here.      …

Sisters at Inkonst – Drop #01

Sisters Academy – the School of a Sensuous society: Performance drop #01, an evening with performance lecture, dinner and feast. Inkonst will  be the venue on which Sisters Hope reflect on the work and process of Sisters Academy. Sisters Hope will visit Inkonst three times before the grand finale and at this first ”sensuous drop” will performatively reflect on the first Sisters Academy which will manifest at a school in…