Sensuous operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and curation.

In Sensuous we share our visions on what we term a Sensuous society. A vision, or rather a sense, that has been haunting us in our sleep for times and times... Sensuous society


Sisters Academy, Sweden – Sisters Hope & Inkonst receives a large fund from the Swedish foundation Kulturstiftelsen

It is now official! Sisters Academy in Sweden in collaboration with Inkonst will be realized large-scale and fall in two parts thanks to a generous fond from which has just been announced publicly. First part will manifest as a Sisters Academy – The Boarding school of a sensuous society – an immersive, interactive and durational performance-installation at Inkonst in September 2015 where everyone can sign up as students, potentially…

Sisters Hope and Campingkvinderne at ESOF – Science in the city festival

I de enestående Campingkvinder, som Aalborg Universitet introducerer som oplevelsesrum og katalysator for en ny form for kunst-baseret erkendelse i Carlsberg Byen, for de forventede op til 50.000 deltagere på EuroScience (ESOF) 2014’s seks dages videnskabsfestival Science in the City, vil der være mulighed for at møde søstrene fra Sisters Hope. I et samarbejde mellem Aalborg Universitet, herunder forskere fra reCreate og CAF som forsker i mulighederne omkring kunst-baserede multimodale…

Polish collaboration – fundacja bęc zmiana

We have initiated an inspirational dialogue with the very interesting Polish organization fundacja bęc zmiana which have amongst other manifested in this article. A collaborative and collective manifestation across boarders is the goal – Sustainable and sensuous futures manifested in 1:1 experiments is the shared vision.