Sensuous operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and curation.

In Sensuous we share our visions on what we term a Sensuous society. A vision, or rather a sense, that has been haunting us in our sleep for times and times... Sensuous society


Dome of Visions will move to Aarhus

Happy to announce that Dome of Visions will be moving to Aarhus not at least to resonate with Aarhus as cultural capital 2017. We look much forard to continue, deepen and unfold the curatorial potentials and frameworks even further. Welcome Aarhus.

The Takeover is over

Sisters Academy Sweden part 2 – The Takeover in Simrishamn has now come to an end. We took over the leadership of  Nova Academy for two weeks to explore sensuous learning with the teachers and students of the school. Collectively we dove into the unknown. Seeds were planted and anchoring was initiated. Thank you for daring to trust. Here is a selection of observations by The I. See more here.  

The Takeover

We will take over the leadership of a Swedish school in less than a month! From 29.2.2016 – 11.3.2016 Nova Academy in Simrishamn will be under the leadership of The Sister and her enchanting staff when we explore what the school in a Sensuous society would be in a real Swedish school life context. You are welcome to visit us at Open House on 4.3.2016 where we open the doors to our explorations to…