Sensuous operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and curation.

In Sensuous we share our visions on what we term a Sensuous society. A vision, or rather a sense, that has been haunting us in our sleep for times and times... Sensuous society

Performance art

Sisters Academy, Greenland – Kick-off in Rijeka, Croatia

Sensuous will be traveling to Rijeka, Croatia tomorrow to represent The North Atlantic Cluster, PSi #19 at the Zooming Fluid States festival. PSi (Performance Performance Studies @ NYU International) will be our collaborators for the Sisters Academy (the school of a Sensuous society), Greenland manifestation by Sisters Hope, June 2015. PSi #19 will happen all over the world and in Rijeka we will be surronded by amongst other JAPAN –…

Dome of Visions Culture – New images moving and still out

New movie documenting some of the amazing unfoldings in the sustainable Dome over the last months – We call it a sensuous space-in-between. We look forward to share with you and grateful for the continuous journey and for the generosity and mutual appreciation – Let’s vibrate! Meet: Gry Worre Hallberg, Artistic director and curator, Dome of Visions; Esben Weile Kjær, Cultural entrepreneur; Jacob Fuglsang Mikkelsen, artist, curator and visionary; Mattias…

Sisters Academy, Sweden – Sisters Hope & Inkonst receives a large fund from the Swedish foundation Kulturstiftelsen

It is now official! Sisters Academy in Sweden in collaboration with Inkonst will be realized large-scale and fall in two parts thanks to a generous fond from which has just been announced publicly. First part will manifest as a Sisters Academy – The Boarding school of a sensuous society – an immersive, interactive and durational performance-installation at Inkonst in September 2015 where everyone can sign up as students, potentially…