Sensuous operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and curation.

In Sensuous we share our visions on what we term a Sensuous society. A vision, or rather a sense, that has been haunting us in our sleep for times and times... Sensuous society


Sisters Hope’s new platform for Sensuous Learning

“Et samskabende laboratorium og base for sanselig læring og forankring i en bydel i forandring. Det er, hvad der skal skabes i Charlottekvarteret, når Sisters Academy får lov til at folde sig ud i den tidligere sfo Charlottebo, der ligger vest for Charlotteskolen. Det er performancegruppen Sisters Hope, som står bag Sisters Academy, og ideen er at skabe et »sanseligt læringsrum gennem lærings-, fællesskabs- og identitetsdannende projekter«. Projektet har fået…

Sensuous City residency 2021

Metropolis, in collaboration with Sisters Hope, has just conducted a 2 weeks residency exploring the key aspects of walking as an art-based strategy for individual and collective mapping of the city. For Sisters Hope and Metropolis, the residency is a preparation for the manifestation of the performance Sensuous City in the summer of 2021. The format will include a sensuous and poetic 24-hour city walk, including a collective sleepover with…

Sisters Performance Method – Sensuous Learning at Ryslinge Højskole in 2021

Currently, we are finishing our program Sisters Performance Method – Sensuous Learning at Ryslinge Højskole for this year. Focusing on anchoring and integration. We are happy to share that we will offer our full time program again in 2021. Read more and sign up already now here.