Sensuous operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and curation.

In Sensuous we share our visions on what we term a Sensuous society. A vision, or rather a sense, that has been haunting us in our sleep for times and times... Sensuous society


Sisters News #4: Sisters documentary

We will Take over the leadership of the Swedish upper secondary school Nova Academy in Simrishamn in less than a week!/Intro by The Sister / Sisters Documentary / Sisters Academy #3 – The Takeover Read it.

Performance art and Health science

Exploring the intersection of health and performance with The Physcho Magician/School Psychologist at The Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen. Amongst other we talked about the impact of space while walking the corridors of the institution. Gry Worre Hallberg represented by The Sister & Diana Ø Tørsløv Møller represented by The Physcho Magician/School Psychologist See more at the Facultys page here.  

SACRE – Kindreds

Kindreds Baggrunden for SACRE-bevægelsen – Når kunstens inciterende kraft skal erstatte materialismens økonomiske logik 1. Udgangspunktet: Et kritisk, konstruktivt og bæredygtigt samfundsperspektiv Der findes mange mennesker i vort land, som gerne vil bevare, forny og styrke den gode danske samfundskultur. Vi har over 150 år skabt et socialt fællesskab, der bygger på grundlæggende bæredygtige demokratiske værdier såsom ytringsfrihed, økonomisk lighed, stabil velfærd, fælles samfundsansvar og en lille magtdistance fra top…