Sensuous operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and curation.

In Sensuous we share our visions on what we term a Sensuous society. A vision, or rather a sense, that has been haunting us in our sleep for times and times... Sensuous society


Talk at Landsforeningen for Børn, Kunst og Billeder

We were invited to present our work at the annual meeting of ‘Landsforeningen for Børn, Kunst og Billeder’. The annual theme is ‘Into the arts out in the world’ and Sisters Academy was suggested as a prism to perceive this theme and the overall activities of the organization through.

Sisters Academy #4, Iceland is on

The Icelandic manifestation of Sisters Academy is on! It is planned in collaboration with Iceland Academy of Arts and Myndlistaskóllin. The preparations included a full course at The Iceland Academy of Arts, Arts Education conceived in the spring of 2016 and the actual current manifestation at the upper secondary school Myndlistaskólinn in Reykjavik. See full credit list here.

Our methods at OpenOpus, The Danish National School of Performing Arts

We were invited to present our work and methods at OpenOpus, Scenekunstskolen, The Danish National School of Performing Arts. Our methods take its outset in The Poetic Self, which expands into space through an immersive set-design strategy, from where an interactivity design is applied – How we relate to the other. Our method is strongly linked to the activist intention to democratize the aesthetic and our curiosity to explore the potential…