Sensuous operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and curation.

In Sensuous we share our visions on what we term a Sensuous society. A vision, or rather a sense, that has been haunting us in our sleep for times and times... Sensuous society

Author: Gry

Sisters Academy – The Boarding School – film

We continue to be filled with gratitude and amazement over the depths we reached collectively in the course of the large-scale manifestation Sisters Academy – The Boarding School. The many participatory layers led to unforseen beauty, challenges and potential, and we were faced with paradoxes and intense aestetic processes as we put our bodies to the idea. A film documenting the journey is now finished.

Sister-Dome in Stockholm

The Dome of Visions movement continues and a Sister-Dome has now ejected in Stockholm. We are exciting to deepen our Nordic connection amongst other through a series of debates and cultural exchanges. First one about city hacks and spaces-in-betwen of the city… Read more here: DOME-TO-DOME x City cracks and spaces-in-between 4/12 on Facebook, at site, invite as pdf. Read about the connection in short articles on DOME OF VISIONS & DOME OF VISIONS…

Sisters Academy and Nova Academy

The School for the Swedish Takeover is now official! We will take over the leadership of Nova Academy in Simrishamn in week 9 and 10 2016! Openhouse on 29.2. Come by! Much excited to continue our explorations! PRESS RELEASE: GYMNASIESKOLA PÅ ÖSTERLEN TAS ÖVER AV SINNLIGT PERFORMANCEPROJEKT Article in Sydsvenskan 12/11 2015: Klart vilken gymnasieskola Sisters Academy ska ta över The Takeover @