Sensuous operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and curation.

In Sensuous we share our visions on what we term a Sensuous society. A vision, or rather a sense, that has been haunting us in our sleep for times and times... Sensuous society

Author: Gry

The Poetic Revolution

I work for The Poetic Revolution Manifesto This is a revolution, a transformation of minds, situations, cities, spaces, experiences and the way creatures are together in the world. To experience our world as poetic instead of functional. We are raised in this world, learning that everything has a name and a function, all to satisfy our needs. Many of us have moved away from nature, which is unpredictable and chaotic. We…


Our activities are research-based and we continuously develop new art-based research methods. See how we have worked with this approach in these projects: Sisters Academy In100Y Dome of Visions camps Unfolding Academy  The Crack Gry Worre Hallberg is an associate ad Performance Design, Roskilde University and currently work on the research project Transformative impact According to certain epistemological traditions, a line can be drawn between practical and theoretical knowledge. The…


Cracking both the dominating economic system governing from its limiting premises and the exclusive and exclusionary modern art system governed by the autonomy of the arts and the art-genius. The theory from which I operate argue that western society is primarily based on economical motives such as: self-discipline, optimization and reason. In opposition to that the theatrical space is primarily based on the motives of the aesthetic system; sense, delight,…