Sensuous operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and curation.

In Sensuous we share our visions on what we term a Sensuous society. A vision, or rather a sense, that has been haunting us in our sleep for times and times... Sensuous society

Future Studies

We are a part of House of Futures

House of Futures co-creates preferred futures to help organizations and people make conscious choices about the future they are creating today. We are an advocate for the future and your preferred future adviser if you want to not only talk about the future, but to live it now.

We see ourselves as the new generation in futures studies. We make and perform images of the future by research and analysis, and by discussing and sensing. Our main professional and academic areas are futures studies, performance art, policy development, business strategy, education for the future, design, and communication.

Read about Winning the future

Sensuos society can be perceived as one possible future.