Sensuous operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and curation.

In Sensuous we share our visions on what we term a Sensuous society. A vision, or rather a sense, that has been haunting us in our sleep for times and times... Sensuous society

Sensuous Society

Sensuous Society

The End is a New Beginning The End is a New Beginning: In 2008 the financial world cracked, leaving a gap for a new paradigm to be constructed and defined. Thus, the crack is a major opportunity. The new paradigm: We wish to take this opportunity and assist in the transition into the new paradigm, by creating a manual or a guideline to people, organizations, and other co-movers who wish to go…

Two new books out

Experiencing everyday life anew – An article that represents a voice within the terminology of experience economy that seeks to unfold experiences as a potential intervention into the capital system that will ultimately bring us to the potentially new – A Sensuous society. In the anthology Handbook on Experience Economy, 2013. Embodiment of The Mystery – An article on how a new tendency within performance that I term live and…

Sisters Academy

  Sisters Academy is a school in a world and society where the sensuous and poetic mode of being is at the center of all action and interaction. It defines the primary mode of being and is the values on which all societal institutions are building – including the school. Thus Sisters Academy is the school in what we term a sensuous society – A potential new world arising from the post-economical…