Sensuous operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and curation.

In Sensuous we share our visions on what we term a Sensuous society. A vision, or rather a sense, that has been haunting us in our sleep for times and times... Sensuous society

Sisters Academy



Sisters Academy is a school in a world and society where the sensuous and poetic mode of being is at the center of all action and interaction. It defines the primary mode of being and is the values on which all societal institutions are building – including the school. Thus Sisters Academy is the school in what we term a sensuous society – A potential new world arising from the post-economical and ecological crisis.

Between 2014-2015 Sisters Academy will manifest in a series of Nordic countries and the grand Nordic finale will be as a large-scale durational immersive performance-installation at the stage Inkonst, Malmö (SE), in September 2015.

In the series of manifestations the founders of Sisters Academy, Sisters Hope,alias Gry Worre Hallberg and Anna Lawaetz manifesting performativly as the twin sisters Coco and Coca Pebber, will take over the leadership of a series of actual high schools.

The first manifestation is funded by the Danish Art Council and will take place at the HF & VUC, FLOW in Odense. 200 students and 20 teachers will be under the leadership of the two ‘unheimliche’ twin sisters. Math might start by an exercise on ‘how to sense Pi’, History might be initiated by sharing the dreams of the night to explore collective unconscious patterns. Thus, Sisters Academy is not only emphasizing and amplifying the value of the creative subject fields on upper secondary school level, but even more radical these are fundamental to all other subject fields, thus, the project also seek to have an actual political impact on the educational system.