Sensuous operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and curation.

In Sensuous we share our visions on what we term a Sensuous society. A vision, or rather a sense, that has been haunting us in our sleep for times and times... Sensuous society


Transformative impact

I currently work on the research project Transformative impact. The project is based on the following five observations and hypotheses: 1)    According to Critical Theory, the economic system has governed our mode of being since the Industrialization. This project suggests that the current economic crisis comprises an opportunity to establish a different paradigm. Furthermore, the project suggests that the aesthetic sphere, where the world is experienced through senses and emotions,…

Two new books out

Experiencing everyday life anew – An article that represents a voice within the terminology of experience economy that seeks to unfold experiences as a potential intervention into the capital system that will ultimately bring us to the potentially new – A Sensuous society. In the anthology Handbook on Experience Economy, 2013. Embodiment of The Mystery – An article on how a new tendency within performance that I term live and…


Cracking both the dominating economic system governing from its limiting premises and the exclusive and exclusionary modern art system governed by the autonomy of the arts and the art-genius. The theory from which I operate argue that western society is primarily based on economical motives such as: self-discipline, optimization and reason. In opposition to that the theatrical space is primarily based on the motives of the aesthetic system; sense, delight,…