Sensuous operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and curation.

In Sensuous we share our visions on what we term a Sensuous society. A vision, or rather a sense, that has been haunting us in our sleep for times and times... Sensuous society

Author: Gry

Performa Biennial 13 and beyond, NYC

Velvet Water. Chris Burden, NYC, New Museum. Here to visit the Performa Biennial 13 as part of a curatorial delegation from the Roskilde festival, but inspiration is to be found in many places of this city. Performing the Archive performing: Addressing the question on how to preserve the unique moment, the intensified bodily presence, which is the piece, when it comes to performance art? This question is addressed in this…

TEDx Climate – Talk on Sensuous Society

Work-in-progress The Sustainable and The Sensuous: My voice represents an alternative take on the climate and sustainability agenda. My statement is that we cannot be and act sustainable if we can’t be and act sensuous. We cannot bring the world to a new level of responsible actions and ethical behavior based on a sustainable foundation if we cannot experience the world sensuous- and poetically. To evoke and recognize this notion…

Transformative impact

I currently work on the research project Transformative impact. The project is based on the following five observations and hypotheses: 1)    According to Critical Theory, the economic system has governed our mode of being since the Industrialization. This project suggests that the current economic crisis comprises an opportunity to establish a different paradigm. Furthermore, the project suggests that the aesthetic sphere, where the world is experienced through senses and emotions,…