Sensuous operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and curation.

In Sensuous we share our visions on what we term a Sensuous society. A vision, or rather a sense, that has been haunting us in our sleep for times and times... Sensuous society

Featured News

Sisters Hope’s new platform for Sensuous Learning

“Et samskabende laboratorium og base for sanselig læring og forankring i en bydel i forandring. Det er, hvad der skal skabes i Charlottekvarteret, når Sisters Academy får lov til at folde sig ud i den tidligere sfo Charlottebo, der ligger vest for Charlotteskolen. Det er performancegruppen Sisters Hope, som står bag Sisters Academy, og ideen er at skabe et »sanseligt læringsrum gennem lærings-, fællesskabs- og identitetsdannende projekter«. Projektet har fået…

Sisters Academy

We currently work on the large-scale Nordic project Sisters Academy. Sisters Academy is a large-scale Nordic project initiated and performed by our performance-group Sisters Hope (DK). Sisters Academy is equally rooted in performance art, research, pedagogy and activism. Ingrained in the activist ambition of evoking the aesthetic dimension on the stages of everyday life and specifically within the educational system we take over the leadership of a series of upper…

Sensuous Learning

Sensuous learning is the conceptual frame to explore the lived learning experiences that have been explored, unfolded and recorded in our practice for almost a decade. Our practice operates from the intention articulated in the Sensuous society manifesto, which we wrote as a response to the financial and ecological crisis in 2008. This manifesto argues that the aesthetic dimension has been under-prioritized since respectively the Enlightenment and The Industrial Revolution,…