New article on our sensuous learning methods out
New article on our sensuous learning methods is out. Amongst other holds reflections on our latest large-scale and two-part manifestation in Sweden. Read and enjoy.
New article on our sensuous learning methods is out. Amongst other holds reflections on our latest large-scale and two-part manifestation in Sweden. Read and enjoy.
“Mary Zournazi: The movement in language is important and it opens another door or window to perception. But I suppose, as intellectuals, there is the problem of the codification of language within critical discourse and theoretical writing – where that language can stop movement and it can express everything in particular terms or methods that cut off the potential of understanding freedom or experience…” Brian Massumi: ‘Critical’ practices aimed at…
Sisters Academy Sweden part 2 – The Takeover in Simrishamn has now come to an end. We took over the leadership of Nova Academy for two weeks to explore sensuous learning with the teachers and students of the school. Collectively we dove into the unknown. Seeds were planted and anchoring was initiated. Thank you for daring to trust. Here is a selection of observations by The I. See more here.