Sensuous operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and curation.

In Sensuous we share our visions on what we term a Sensuous society. A vision, or rather a sense, that has been haunting us in our sleep for times and times... Sensuous society


Sisters News #2: Sisters New Year

Happy new years. Hope you feel, snailed, flew, crawled well into it! Intro by The Sister / Part 2: Sisters Academy – The Takeover / Sisters Academy #1, Denmark / Sisters Academy #3, Sweden – Part 1: Sisters Academy – The boarding School / Sisters Academy at TEDx / Art Education in Transition / Sisters Academy #4, Iceland / Francesca Woodman / David Bowie Read it.

Sisters fall – fall Sisters

The Sisters have been traveling this fall. Falling Sisters. Sister Singular. We have been collecting dreams for our Archive. Dream Archive. Dream Collector. Rijeka, Croatia, PSi #21, September 2014 Sisters Hope traveled to Rijeka, Croatia to represent The North Atlantic Cluster, PSi #19 at the Zooming Fluid States festival. PSi (Performance Performance Studies @ NYU International) will be our collaborators for the Sisters Academy (the school of a Sensuous society),…

Intentional Art in NYC – The Triangle Project and Sisters Hope

We will co-launch the concept ‘Intentional Art’ in NYC in a few weeks with amongst other Nicollette Ramirez, Daniel Pinchbeck, Ann-Sofie Nielsen Gremaud, Katherine Jánszky Michaelsen, Noah Fischer… As part of The Triangle Project facilitated by Jacob Fuglsang Mikkelsen More info here.