Sensuous operate in the intersection of performance art, research, activism and curation.

In Sensuous we share our visions on what we term a Sensuous society. A vision, or rather a sense, that has been haunting us in our sleep for times and times... Sensuous society


The Takeover

We will take over the leadership of a Swedish school in less than a month! From 29.2.2016 – 11.3.2016 Nova Academy in Simrishamn will be under the leadership of The Sister and her enchanting staff when we explore what the school in a Sensuous society would be in a real Swedish school life context. You are welcome to visit us at Open House on 4.3.2016 where we open the doors to our explorations to…

Sisters Academy at TEDx

Gry Worre Hallberg was invited to do a TEDx Talk on Sisters Academy at TEDxUppsalaUniversity in November, and it has now been released. Watch it here.

Sisters Hope awarded with Udstillingsprisen Vision 2016

Bikubenfonden and a unanimous jury have awarded Sisters Hope and Den Frie Udstillingsbygning with Udstillingsprisen Vision 2016. Sisters Academy – The Boarding School will manifest at Den Frie in Copenhagen in 2017. Follow the progress here.